We all deserve an encouraging environment where we can test ourselves, become our best! Somewhere to vent some frustration, separate ourselves from the days challenges and be surrounded by positive people who are striving to reach their potential.
Sticking to your guns and following through with your health and fitness commitments is always a challenge! At the Shake UP, we believe that although you know that you are going to get your ass kicked, you should look forward to those 30 minutes of the day that are all YOURS!
Let’s be honest, nobody loves going beyond their “comfort zone” but if you are surrounded by a super encouraging community and great coaches who know what you are capable of, you are far more likely to continue coming back for more.
At the Shake UP, we are very proud to say that our community is filled with some of the coolest, most supportive and inspiring people on the Gold Coast!
Our Shaker of the Month for April is Nigel Jesson (aka) Jess. A very hard working champion whose attitude is indicative of this powerful community. Jess is always the 1st to peel himself off of the floor,covered in sweat to cheer on those yet to finish the workout and go out of his way to help pack up the session . A very humble Shake UP legend and deserved winner of the Zarraffas Pacific Pines “Shaker of the Month”
We caught up with Jess to chat about training with great people,his fondness of the bear crawl and Tony Wilson’s Pink short-shorts!
So Tony, tell us a little about yourself?
Uhh…. Im Nigel! (Prior to this interview we had been laughing our asses off at Tony Wilson’s tiny pink shorts, worn at a cross dressing, themed training session recently. The conversation goes off into a hilarious direction, totally inappropriate for this post. Nigel is hands down the wittiest guy at the Shake UP!)
I am 48 years old, married with a couple of kids and a busy professional who likes to work hard and play hard! I have been training at the Shake UP for 12 months now and love it!
What are you most proud of achieving at The Shake UP?
I’d have to say that my increased energy levels and the ability to get through an entire Shake UP session. That and the fact that I have managed to train my ass off regularly down here across the last 12 months!
There are plenty of training programs around; what is it about the Shake UP that keeps you coming back?
I love the constant variety in the training program. You know that it is always going to be challenging but you know to expect the unexpected. On top of that though i think what keeps me coming back is the people. Sometimes at the end of a long day, the last thing you feel like is an ass kicking! This is a very encouraging group of people who are all willing to work hard.
What would you say are the biggest challenges for you in achieving your health and fitness goals?
Trying to establish a healthy balance between training and leisure.
What are your health and fitness goals for 2014?
Probably to continue improving my fitness and to make sure I am enjoying the challenge
In your opinion; What is the worst workout or exercise?
Anything that involves burpees and bear crawls!
His forever positive attitude and selfless approach is a pleasure to have in our community and deserves “The Zarraffa’s Shaker of the month”. $50.00 worth of amazing coffee! A big thanks to Bernadette, Jimmy & the entire Pacific Pines Zarraffa’s crew.
Do you want to be part of a community of supportive, hard working champions?Why not take advantage of our week free trial! Click on the link below…