Do This One Simple Thing for Lasting Fat Loss

Great Change Begins with Awareness  

What’s your worst habit in relation to your wellbeing? 

Are you binge eating to cope with the stress you deal with?

Maybe you are knocking back 6 stubbies each night because you are so strung out from parenting! 

I know that feeling…

You know how I deal with stress….I jump onto FB marketplace and browse surfboards that I am never actually going to buy. Just a nice distraction from working!

We all do silly things that move us away from who we want to be and what’s important to us!

How To Rein In Those Shitty Habits That Aren't Serving You

The tip is simply, more awareness. 

Its not about massive change, that just scares most of us.

If you can create a tiny bit of awareness around these shitty habits you are performing, you are far more likely to start behaving how you want to.

Take Food Journaling for example. Nobody really loves recording everything that they eat.

When we do it though, we gain a scene of control and responsibility. 

In all the challenges we’ve run over the past 7 years, we can see that those who record their eating get far better results than those who dont.

Do it for a month or so and you’ve created a positive habit that will change your life, change the way you feel about yourself.

There are tons of apps for doing this, Ate app, meallogger, Myfitness pal, 

Just find on that you like and start with doing it for 1 day.

Take a look at the end of the day and decide if you want to do it again the next day.

I hope that helps. 

Have an awesome day

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Do This One Simple Thing for Lasting Fat Loss

Great Change Begins with Awareness  

What’s your worst habit in relation to your wellbeing? 

Are you binge eating to cope with the stress you deal with?

Maybe you are knocking back 6 stubbies each night because you are so strung out from parenting! 

I know that feeling…

You know how I deal with stress….I jump onto FB marketplace and browse surfboards that I am never actually going to buy. Just a nice distraction from working!

We all do silly things that move us away from who we want to be and what’s important to us!

How To Rein In Those Shitty Habits That Aren't Serving You

The tip is simply, more awareness. 

Its not about massive change, that just scares most of us.

If you can create a tiny bit of awareness around these shitty habits you are performing, you are far more likely to start behaving how you want to.

Take Food Journaling for example. Nobody really loves recording everything that they eat.

When we do it though, we gain a scene of control and responsibility. 

In all the challenges we’ve run over the past 7 years, we can see that those who record their eating get far better results than those who dont.

Do it for a month or so and you’ve created a positive habit that will change your life, change the way you feel about yourself.

There are tons of apps for doing this, Ate app, meallogger, Myfitness pal, 

Just find on that you like and start with doing it for 1 day.

Take a look at the end of the day and decide if you want to do it again the next day.

I hope that helps. 

Have an awesome day

About The Author

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