Shaker of the Month – Kym Laracy

Is it possible to transform yourself in 6 months? 

Drop 2 dress sizes, create a healthy relationship with food and discover a love for intense exercise?

You can bet your bottom dollar that it is possible!

We have watched Kym Laracy nail this kind of transformation since beginning with The Shake UP back in February this year!

Kym is a busy mother of 2 young boys and is an executive assistant at the Gold Coast’s largest, privately owned accounting firms WMS! What we love about Kym’s success story is that despite all of the distractions in her world, she fought her way back to better health and is loving her new way of life!

We recently caught up with Kym to chat about finding her best at 40 years of age!

So Kym, tell us a bit about yourself…

Ok…I am 40 years old  have been married to Shane for 12 years and we have 2 sons  Zac (10) and Levi (5).

Life is pretty busy for us. The boys are super active and we have to be able to keep up with them! I work as an Executive Assistant at WMS Chartered Accountants. It’s a great place to work and in my role I am involved in HR compliance and marketing so my day varies from working on tax related issues to marketing for the firm to employing staff. I am healthy and happy so life is great!

How long have you been training at The Shake UP?

I won entry into the Summer Challenge back in February 2017. I had been training here a bit before that but the Challenge was the catalyst for my results! I have always enjoyed running and had a gym membership but I just wasn’t getting the results. I knew it was time to change things up and the timing was perfect!

What have you achieved since beginning at The Shake UP?

So much, as far as results go…I dropped two sizes, I have toned up my body and my energy levels have increased dramatically. That is one of the biggest positives I’d say. Being more focused throughout the day at work. This is directly related to improving my eating because before the challenge I was living off a couple of bananas and processed snacks.

Learning more about clean eating and creating some strong habits around food prep has made life easier for me! I am just more organised and that gives me back time that I didn’t think I had!

What do you love about The Shake UP Kym?

I love the atmosphere at the sessions. There are so many good people here who are so encouraging. The sessions are short and close to my house so it doesn’t take much time out of my schedule. Training at the gym, you kind of get complacent and it’s easy to just jog on the treadmill. I know that when I come here I am going to be challenged and I will push myself way beyond what I could on my own.

What’s the one workout or exercise that you dislike?

Um… probably push ups because they are so hard! I am getting better at them though

We have watched Kym’s journey back to her best and it is one of the most inspiring stories we have seen. Her confidence, fitness and training attitude have ramped up and she now inspires so many people around her! This is what The Shake UP is all about and this is why we love having people like Kym in our community! Another very deserved Shaker of the Month!

For all of her ass kicking, Kym has scored herself a treatment from the Woman’s health Guru – Alex Yates of Anchor Health Clinic in Palm Beach. Alex treats so many of our members and has huge amounts of success with everything from massage to stress relief to injury prevention and much more. Get in touch with Alex on 

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Shaker of the Month – Kym Laracy

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