Where Will You Be 6 Months From Now?

We help busy people fall in love with exercise again. People come to us because they are off the rails and need some accountability. Often these people will begin on one of our challenges.

In my experience, people come into these challenges overestimating how much they’ll change in the first 5 weeks and underestimating what they can do in 6 months!

When you lay the foundations for change, it will come! 

You need patience, discipline and foresight. 

You should be thinking about how you are going to look and feel at Christmas this year! 

What will you be wearing?

How will it feel, poolside on that family vacation?

Chrissy Gowen began her journey back in January. Like many of the people that we help, Chrissy was not really into training. She was out of shape and down on confidence. 

What Chrissy did have was desire and commitment to match it. 

She got to work and in 6 months she stripped 10kg and turned her life around.

What’s even cooler is that her self improvement mission is in full swing.

Chrissy is on her 2nd Challenge and she still struggles with the things that we all struggle with. 

Being organised is hard! Prioritising yourself is not easy! Getting to those freezing 5.00am sessions feels near impossible.

You will go 2 steps forward and 1 step backwards on this journey and that’s ok!

The best advice I can give you is to think big picture on this. 

Dial in on where you want to be and how you want to feel at Christmas this year!

If you need help getting started, please grab a 7 day free trial today https://theshakeup.com.au/free-trial/

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Where Will You Be 6 Months From Now?

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