Next time you find yourself caught up in conversation with a parent who is dealing out the usual excuses about not having enough time to exercise, it might be worth suggesting that they check out a Shake UP session. On any given day you will meet super busy parents that enjoy training together and setting a very positive example to their children.
Amy Eckersley is one of these parents and a mother that any kid would be proud of! When you are a mum who beats most of the dads on the beep test, your kids are always going to hang all over you after the workout!
Amy is our September Shaker of the month. We caught up with Amy to chat about getting lean, building guns and out training her husband.
So Amy, tell us a little about yourself?
I am a mother of 2 boys, 10 and 7 years old. We moved here from Canberra to live on the Gold Coast about 2 years ago. We love it here! Um… I work part time, squeeze in children, work, husband and always make time to train at the Shake UP.
How long have you been a member at the Shake UP for?
4-5 months
So what have you achieved over these last 4 months?
I’ve got muscles! Scored a 10.1 on the beep test and am getting a lot leaner.
What are your current health and fitness goals?
I want to look like Kath (Grabham)! I want guns! Ha ha…na the main reason I do this is that it keeps Craig (hubby) and I happy. It strengthens our relationship and promotes a balance in our lives.
Do you enjoy training together?
Yep, I love it! I love beating him!
What keeps you coming back to TSU?
I love the challenge, pushing myself beyond my limits. Being able to bring the kids here means the whole family can be a part of this community.
Worst exercise?
Reverse Bear Crawls! I’ll take burpees over bear crawls any day!
What’s the biggest challenge on your Shake UP journey?
Trying to beat Kath and Marlo! These girls always push me to my best. I need that.
Its people like Amy who inspire and encourage the new Shake UP members. A very deserved winner of our Zarraffa’s Shaker of the month. $50.00 worth of delicious Zarraffa’s Pacific Pines coffee. Thanks to Jimmy & Dette for their continued generosity and support for our community.