The Shake UP is loaded with super inspiring women. Parents who have given so much of themselves to ensure family is priority. What is most inspiring about these mums is that so many mums don’t discover the energy, body confidence and vitality that they had prior to becoming a mum!
Jagoda Butler is in the best shape of her adult life! She is glowing with happiness and determination. What every mother deserves to experience after having made so many sacrifices for their children! A very deserving Shaker of the Month!
6 months ago Jagi reluctantly joined the Shake UP, knowing that she had some hard yards ahead of her. She woman’d up,put herself in a very foreign environment and came out the other side with a new body, new found confidence and a whole bunch of new friends!
This is what health and fitness is all about! We are so thankful that Jagi decided to take those initial, intimidating steps and prove once again that we all have the power to improve the way we look, function and feel! We recently caught up with Jagi to chat about her success and influencing her entire family!
So Jagi, tell us a little bit about yourself?
Ok I am a mother of 2 – Isabella 8 and Katarina 10. I am married to my husband Adam and have been for 12 years. We are originally from Adelaide and have been living on the Gold Coast for the past 9 years. I manage Upper Coomera Medical centre and also work at the Primary Health Network in Robina. We are a pretty busy family. Horse riding, dancing and all sorts of activities.
How long have you been training at the Shake UP?
I started here back in October last year. I jumped onto the Spring Challenge and just loved it. When I began here I had been looking to get fit and healthy for a long time. I was out of shape and not feeling fit or energised. A few of the girls from work spoke very highly of the Shake UP so I thought I’d get involved. I was so nervous when I first started. It had been so many years since I had done anything like this. I was fit when I was young but not since then. My 1st session here made me realise that I was in the right place. Everybody was so welcoming and friendly. It really made me feel at ease. I was pretty sore for a whole month but it was worth it!
What have you achieved since October last year?
I have lost 10 kgs since begin here. More importantly than that though the nutritional education side of this for me has been great. I have completed 2 challenges now and I have a great understanding of how to provide the whole family with nutritious and tasty food. That is important to me, setting that example for the girls and making positive changes as a family. Adam my husband has since joined and is also really enjoying getting back into shape. The kids love coming here which is great because it helps keep us accountable. They hate missing a session which means that we kind of have to come!
What keeps you coming back to the Shake UP?
There are so many things that I love about it! I love the atmosphere, I love the energy of it, I love the motivation. Anytime anybody asks me what I have been doing I just say “The Shake UP”! You’ve got to go!
What do you think about when things get Gnarly during a session?
I just kind of take it one rep at a time. I can’t think too far ahead!
What is your worst exercise?
I would have said burpees a few months ago, but I am kind of getting good at them. The short workouts freak me out. The 8 or 10 minute ones are always pretty challenging.
Jagoda is one of the few who have totally transformed themselves and can confidently say that that she will never go back to her old ways! An amazing mum setting a very encouraging example. For all of your hard work Jagi, you have scored a pair of Punish Boxing Gloves. Keep up the awesome work Jagi!