How do you stay strong, positive and motivated in tough times? In our darkest moments, life will always present us with endless opportunities to grow and evolve. Those who are willing to see these opportunities and act on them, often become the greatest transformation success stories.
The Shake UP is an outdoor training community filled with inspiring people, achieving remarkable things. We consider ourselves very fortunate to work with so many people who are willing to step up and turn life’s obstacles into their greatest motivator.
If you are looking to steal back your mojo and rediscover your body confidence after life has dealt you a blow, there are 3 things that you must do:
- Get your sweat on!
- Find a great support group
- Lose yourself in the service of others
Our October Shaker of the month, Michele Alker is a beautiful example of someone who is applying these philosophies and is in the zone right now!
18 months ago, Michele very bravely joined the Shake UP at a time when her 25 year marriage was sadly coming to its end.
Get your sweat on!
Michele had seen us training at Jubilee Primary school and knew that it was her time to ‘get her sweat on’! Most of us know that regular physical activity will release the ‘happy’ chemicals into our brains. Dopamine, a chemical that plays a role in happiness, is a neurotransmitter in the brain that’s necessary for feelings of pleasure and happiness. The best way to increase your brain’s dopamine production is to get your sweat on and this is exactly what Michele did!
Find a great support network
We all deserve an ego free environment to exert ourselves that is filled with like minded, supportive people. When we asked Michele how this training community has helped her she said, “This have given me something to look forward to because if I didn’t have the Shake UP to focus on, I don’t know where I would be”!
Lose yourself in the service of others:
Giving provides an opportunity to look beyond our own world and see the bigger picture. A great perspective can be achieved by stepping out of our own world providing encouragement and support to those around you. On any given day at the Shake UP, you will find Michele hooting on the rest of the crew and going out of her way to be of assistance to the rest of our community. We have no doubt that these small acts of selflessness are a huge reason why Michele is finding her mojo!
We recently caught up with Michele to chat about getting it done!
So Michele, Tell us a little about yourself?
Ok, I am a 48 year old mother of 3 – Tory (24) Josh (22) and Jamie (18).
I love having such supportive kids. They really are amazing!
Its funny how my Shake UP journey began. I was at a fundraising event and won the silent auction prize which was a Shake UP 10 pass. I dragged my friend Trish along with me and we have been loving it ever since.
That was about 18 months ago and 2 weeks after beginning here at the Shake UP,my marriage of 25 years unfortunately came to an end. So being here in this environment has been brilliant for me. I don’t know where I would be if I didn’t have this. Its nice to have some time to focus on myself. Thank you so much for all of your support. I love it! Wouldn’t ever go back!
Why do you train Michele?
I guess as a coping mechanism with some pretty heavy life changes. Training here gives me time to focus on me. It has always been about my kids and it always will be about my kids. This has given me something for me. It’s me time, new beginnings
What is it you love about the Shake UP?
The brilliant people. If you are ever down or if you notice anyone else is down, we lift one another up and that is so powerful. Great friendships and a place where I can go to train with people I want to be around.
You are at week 5 in our Spring Challenge, how is it going?
I am loving it! So much support and I am really seeing great changes! I went dress shopping with my daughter on the weekend and I haven’t enjoyed doing that in so long! I don’t wear dresses because usually there is so much hanging out, but I tried one on and I love it! It is a little snug but I will be in it in 3 weeks at my daughter’s engagement. I am so happy!
I have been doing Burleigh hill every week and my goal is to run it the whole way. I am not far off doing this!
What is your least favourite workout here?
Well anything with running I guess because I have an injury. I don’t mind anything really, just get it done!
We are so pumped to have Michele in our community and as our Shaker of the Month. Michele is a super positive girl who is inspiring everyone around her! A very deserved winner of Shaker of the Month. For all of her hard work Michele has scored herself a treatment with Anchor Health Clinic at Palm Beach. Alex Yates is an expert in women’s well-being and has very kindly supported the Shake UP and its hard working women! Alex, we have no doubt you will take great care of Michele.