Can you shed 5kgs of body fat training for 25 minutes, 3 times a week? Absolutely! Our August Shaker of the month is proving that this can be achieved while working full time and raising two teenagers.
Heidi Smith is the kind of person we love having in our training community! She is super consistent, willing to train with intensity, supportive of her training crew and always shows her appreciation after having her ass kicked!
Heidi is a very hardworking mother who understands very well that time is of the essence. We recently caught up with Heidi to talk about results and the next exciting phase after 20 years of parenting.
G’day Heidi. Can you please tell us a little bit about yourself?
Yep… I have been married happily for 18 years, my son is 19 and my daughter is 17. I have been a mother since I was 17 and now I am beginning to kind of reclaim my independence. My daughter will be out of school next year and I will be as free as a bird! I am going to go trekking and do some travel by myself through Cambodia which I have had my husband’s blessing to do. It’s kind of tough thinking about myself and what I really want to do as I have never really had that freedom. So I am very excited and super stoked that I found this program. So thank you!
What do you do for work Heidi?
I manage a specialist medical practice down in Cooly. I look after surgeons and manage their busy lives. Its a great job and always challenges me.
How long have you been training at the Shake UP for?
I think its about 6 or 7 months! I am loving it!
Can you tell us what it was that originally brought you to the Shake UP?
Yeah of Course….I have been a practice nurse for many years, on my feet all day and then moved into a management roll which unfortunately meant a sit down job. Weight started going on and I started becoming conscious of it. I went to see a dietitian and while I was waiting in the clinic I picked up the Healthy and Active Gold Coast booklet and notice that the Shake UP was running local, 25 minute training sessions. Time is really important to me and once I came down here for the week free trial I knew that this was something that I could get into. I now understand that I can get in and out in 25 minutes a few times a week and get great results!
You are looking great Heidi! When you began this program 7 months ago, did you believe that you would lean up like you have?
When I began this journey I would never have thought that I would experience these results though training 3 times a week for 25 minutes. I have been mindful of my eating of these last 6 months but not super strict. I am very happy with where I am at and really enjoying the type of training we do here. Its manageable and constantly changing.
Whats your worst exercise?
Um… Probably the battle ropes. They kick my ass!
This is what it is all about healthy people! Training to suit your schedule that will bring you the results you desire. It ain’t easy but when you get consistent and enjoy the challenge the magic certainly happens! Thanks for all of your hard work Heidi and we hope you enjoy the $30.00 voucher from Johny and the crew at Salt Mill and the delicious probiotic’s from Cindy at A Cultured Life!
Shake on Legends…