Life as a great parent is a constant exercise in selflessness. The ultimate act of giving that often comes at the expense of the parent’s wellness. Danelle and Paul Shaw are certainly great parents and are a classic example of what can happen when a busy life gets in the way of self care.
13 weeks ago Danelle and Paul came along to the Shake UP to take part in our 7 day Free Trial. As it happens, this unfortunately was one of our toughest workouts. They were both carrying a little weight, totally out of condition and from what we could see, hating every minute of that 1st workout! What amazed us most though was 2 days later, the pair were back for another shot at The Shake UP. Danelle and Paul both knew that they had some work to do but were willing to toughen up and endure those initial stages of a mental, physical and emotional ass kicking. It’s unfortunate but for some these discomforts are too much and they fall short of reaching their full potential. They say, “If it were easy, everyone would be doing it”! We love that it’s not easy because it allows us to observe the impact that 13 weeks of hard work, discipline and focus can have on a young family’s life.
Since Danelle and Paul began the Shake UP 10 Week “Keep it Real” Challenge they have collectively shed 24.8kgs of body weight, continued enjoying good food and completely shifted their family’s lifestyle.
We are so proud to announce that Danelle Shaw won the best transformation in our recently finished Spring Challenge and caught up with her to find out what it takes to completely turn your life around!
G’day Danelle, Can you please tell us a bit about yourself?
Yep…I have been married to Paul for 13 years.We have 2 kids, Dylan 10 yrs and Kiara 9 yrs. Life is pretty hectic as we both work full time. I am now feeling the best that I have felt in years!
Tell us about where you were at 13 weeks ago?
Yeah I guess I was at a place in life where I knew I needed to do something before it was too late. I was probably lacking self-esteem and definitely lacking energy. I was kind of in that habit of coming home from work and having a glass of wine as a relaxant. Paul and I both knew that we needed to do something and I have always seen the group training down here. We decided it was time to come and check it out.
Was it tough coming into this environment?
Yeah it certainly was. When you are that out of shape it’s pretty intimidating.
How do you enjoy training now?
We love it! We love that Paul and I can come here and train together while the kids play around. It totally works into our lifestyle! This is just a way of life for us now. Its definitely gets more enjoyable as you get fitter. You just move better and can really get stuck in.
You are our Challenge Winner, what have you achieved in these last 10 weeks?
Well..I have completely changed the way my family eats. I came into this Challenge wanting to lose 10kg’s and in the end I lost 11.8kg’s! The biggest achievement though is having the entire family on board. We know what to eat and make time to prepare our food. There is no junk in the house anymore! Its so much easier when you have that kind of support and the support from all of the Challenge crew made these 10 weeks a very enjoyable experience.
A massive congrats and thankyou to Danelle and Paul for the attitude and enthusiasm they brought to our Spring Challenge. We are so excited to announce that Punish Natural Nutrition will be contributing a HUGE supplement prize pack to Danelle for her transformation. Punish Whey Protein Isolate is a must for delicious liquid meals and became a regular part of Danelle’s eating plan throughout her successful transformation. If you are looking for a high quality, well priced supplement range to introduce into your healthy eating plan, check out
Keep it Real Challenge. Click on this link to find out how you can be the next success story