Who is Kerrie Oliver?
Our March 2014 Shaker of the Month is an awesome lady with a success story that is bound to inspire you! In the 5 months since Kerrie Oliver began her Shake UP journey she has lost 17kg, shed 10% body fat, dropped 88cm across her entire body and climbed Mt Warning Twice! We caught up with this wonderful lady to chat about fat loss, family life and Conquering Mt Warning.
So Kerrie, tell us a little about yourself?
Well… I am a busy Wife and mother of 2 beautiful 13 year old girls, I work full time at Woolworths and am on a wellness mission!
What are you most proud of achieving at The Shake UP?
Losing 17kg’s is something I thought would never happen!
Climbing Mt Warning with the 10 wk challenge team last year was a turning point for me. After reaching the summit, I knew I could conquer anything! The support I received from the team was something i’ll never forget.
I have since been back with my husband Wayne and my two daughters to show them how challenging it was. They were so proud of me!
There are plenty of Training programs around; what is it about the Shake UP that keeps you coming back?
At the end of my working day I am often exhausted but I always make the effort now. The Shake UP is such a positive and supportive community. When I 1st began, I was self conscious and nervous to be in a group training environment. I love that nobody judges here and that’s what keeps me coming back.
What would you say are the biggest challenges for you in achieving your health and fitness goals?
I struggle with running. I have never been good at it. I like that the type of running we do here. The short, explosive running suits me better. I struggle but I will always continue and push myself.
What are your health and fitness goals for 2014?
I want to loose another 20kg’s. That is my long term goal. I am half way there!
In your opinion; What is the Worst workout or exercise?
Burpees for sure. I am just not good at them. I do my best though and they are getting easier.
Kerrie is currently at week 7 of Shake UP 10 week Challenge, learning and implementing proven nutritional systems for success! A mean 17kg’s leaner and an unstoppable attitude. We reckon that is very deserved of -“The Zarraffa’s Shaker of the month”. $50.00 worth of amazing coffee! A big thanks to Bernadette, Jimmy & the entire Pacific Pines Zarraffa’s crew.
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